System Requirements
(Running i-Tree Eco on Windows PCs)
Minimum Hardware
- 1.6 GHz or faster processor
- 1024 MB of available RAM
- Hard drive with at least 3 GB free space
- Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 or greater
- Windows 10 or higher operating system
- Modern web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari
- .NET Framework 4.0 or newer
- Microsoft Access 2016 Database Engine or newer
- Managed networks/IT departments: please review our Eco v6 Network and IT Installation Information page
Apple Mac Users
- i-Tree Eco is not compatible with Apple Mac or Linux operating systems.
- Apple users have run i-Tree successfully using alternate solutions such as dual-booting and Parallel systems allowing Macs to run Windows programs.
- See the learning video on "Options for installing and running i-Tree on a Mac computer" or refer to Apple Mac Support for further exploration.
- If you know of funding sources to help create a separate, Mac version of i-Tree Eco, please contact us.
- Unfortunately, we cannot provide support for these options.
Field Data Collection Requirements: Smartphones, Tablets, and Other Web-enabled Mobile Devices
The newer Mobile Data Collection (MDC) system, available in i-Tree Eco v6, is designed to work with mobile web browsers on your mobile device. It is NOT a stand-alone app that requires installation.
- You will need to first create and configure an i-Tree Eco project for use with the mobile data collection system.
- The MDC uses the device's web browser and relies on internet connectivity, web browser HTML5 functionality and device data caching capability.
- Modern web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are required.
Newer iPhones, iPads, Android and other devices are HTML-5 compatible and have data caching capabilities that allow for data collection to continue if internet connectivity is disrupted in the field. Older devices should be avoided as they are limited and will require continuous connectivity to advance through the online web forms.
Testing Your Mobile Device
BEFORE GOING INTO THE FIELD, you can test your devices' capability for data collection using one of the example data collection links on the Mobile Data Collection page. Change to airplane mode after entering data for a tree to see how the browser will function when connectivity is lost.

Utilizing GPS on your device
i-Tree Eco users have multiple options for GPS or coordinate collection using the Mobile Data Collection system - see the Eco v6 Guide for Capturing Coordinate Data for more details.